Stream network models
James T. Thorson
options("tinyVAST.verbose" = FALSE)
is an R package for fitting vector
autoregressive spatio-temporal (VAST) models using a minimal and
user-friendly interface. We here show how it can fit a stream network
model, where spatial correlations arise from stream distances along a
First, we load a shapefile representing a stream network, and convert it to sfnetwork format. This format includes edges representing stream segments, and nodes where edges connect.
stream <- st_read( file.path(system.file("stream_network",package="tinyVAST"),
"East_Fork_Lewis_basin.shp"), quiet=TRUE )
stream = as_sfnetwork(stream)
plot(stream, main="East Fork Lewis Basin")
![plot of chunk stream-shape](figure%2Fstream-shape-1.png)
We then convert it to an S3 class “sfnetwork_mesh” defined by tinyVAST for stream networks, and rescale distances to 1000 ft (to ensure that distances are 0.01 to 100, avoiding issues of numerical under or overflow).
# Rescale
graph = sfnetwork_mesh( stream )
graph$table$dist = graph$table$dist / 1000 # Convert distance scale
Next, we’ll simulate a Gaussian Markov random field at stream
vertices using simulate_sfnetwork
, sample evenly spaced
locations along the stream using st_line_sample
, project
the GMRF to those locations using sfnetwork_evaluator
, and
simulate data at those locations:
# Parameters
alpha = 2
kappa = 0.05
# mean(graph$table$dist) * kappa = 0.63 -> exp(-0.63) = 0.5 average correlation
# simulate
omega_s = simulate_sfnetwork( n=1, sfnetwork_mesh=graph, theta=kappa)[,1]
# sample locations along network
extrap = st_union( st_line_sample( activate(stream,"edges"), density=1/10000))
extrap = st_cast( extrap, "POINT" )
# Project to sampled locations
A_is = sfnetwork_evaluator( stream = graph$stream,
loc = st_coordinates(extrap) )
omega_i = (A_is %*% omega_s)[,1]
# Simulate sampling
#Count = rpois( n=graph$n, lambda=exp(alpha + omega) )
Count_i = rnorm( n=length(omega_i), mean=alpha + omega_i, sd=0.5 )
# Format into long-form data frame expected by tinyVAST
Data = data.frame( Count = Count_i,
var = "species", # Univariate model so only one value
time = "2020", # no time-dynamics, so only one value
dist = "obs" ) # only one type of sampling in data
We can visualize the GMRF at those locations using sfnetwork
# Plot stream
# Extract nodes and plot on network
plot( st_sf(st_geometry(activate(stream,"nodes")), "omega"=omega_s),
add=TRUE, pch=19, cex=2)
![plot of chunk stream-dens](figure%2Fstream-dens-1.png)
Finally, we can fit the model, interpolate the GMRF along at dense locations along the stream network, and plot those with the true (simulated) values at the location of simulated samples.
# fit model
out = tinyVAST( data = Data,
formula = Count ~ 1,
spatial_graph = graph,
space_column = c("X","Y"),
variable_column = "var",
time_column = "time",
distribution_column = "dist",
sem = "" )
sf_plot = st_union( st_line_sample( activate(stream,"edges"), density=1/1000))
sf_plot = st_cast( sf_plot, "POINT" )
newdata = data.frame( Count = NA,
var = "species", # Univariate model so only one value
time = "2020", # no time-dynamics, so only one value
dist = "obs" ) # only one type of sampling in data
omega_plot = predict( out, newdata = newdata )
# Plot estimated GMRF at sampled locations
plot( stream, main="omegahat_i")
plot( st_sf(sf_plot,"omega"=omega_plot), add=TRUE, pch=19, cex=0.5, pal=viridis )
plot( st_sf(extrap,"omega"=omega_i), add=TRUE, pch=19, cex=2, pal=viridis )
![plot of chunk stream-pred](figure%2Fstream-pred-1.png)