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tinyVAST is an R package for fitting vector autoregressive spatio-temporal (VAST) models using a minimal and user-friendly interface. We here show how it can fit a stream network model, where spatial correlations arise from stream distances along a network.

First, we load a shapefile representing a stream network, and convert it to sfnetwork format. This format includes edges representing stream segments, and nodes where edges connect.

stream <- st_read( file.path(system.file("stream_network",package="tinyVAST"),
                   "East_Fork_Lewis_basin.shp"), quiet=TRUE )
stream = as_sfnetwork(stream)
plot(stream, main="East Fork Lewis Basin")
plot of chunk stream-shape
plot of chunk stream-shape

We then convert it to an S3 class “sfnetwork_mesh” defined by tinyVAST for stream networks, and rescale distances to 1000 ft (to ensure that distances are 0.01 to 100, avoiding issues of numerical under or overflow).

# Rescale
graph = sfnetwork_mesh( stream )
graph$table$dist = graph$table$dist / 1000  # Convert distance scale

Next, we’ll simulate a Gaussian Markov random field at stream vertices using simulate_sfnetwork, sample evenly spaced locations along the stream using st_line_sample, project the GMRF to those locations using sfnetwork_evaluator, and simulate data at those locations:

# Parameters
alpha = 2
kappa = 0.05
# mean(graph$table$dist) * kappa = 0.63 -> exp(-0.63) = 0.5 average correlation

# simulate
omega_s = simulate_sfnetwork( n=1, sfnetwork_mesh=graph, theta=kappa)[,1]

# sample locations along network
extrap = st_union( st_line_sample( activate(stream,"edges"), density=1/10000))
extrap = st_cast( extrap, "POINT" )

# Project to sampled locations
A_is = sfnetwork_evaluator( stream = graph$stream,
                                loc = st_coordinates(extrap) )
omega_i = (A_is %*% omega_s)[,1]

# Simulate sampling
#Count = rpois( n=graph$n, lambda=exp(alpha + omega) )
Count_i = rnorm( n=length(omega_i), mean=alpha + omega_i, sd=0.5 )

# Format into long-form data frame expected by tinyVAST
Data = data.frame( Count = Count_i,
                   var = "species",  # Univariate model so only one value
                   time = "2020",    # no time-dynamics, so only one value
                   dist = "obs" )    # only one type of sampling in data

We can visualize the GMRF at those locations using sfnetwork

# Plot stream
# Extract nodes and plot on network
plot( st_sf(st_geometry(activate(stream,"nodes")), "omega"=omega_s),
      add=TRUE, pch=19, cex=2)
plot of chunk stream-dens
plot of chunk stream-dens

Finally, we can fit the model, interpolate the GMRF along at dense locations along the stream network, and plot those with the true (simulated) values at the location of simulated samples.

# fit model
out = tinyVAST( data = Data,
           formula = Count ~ 1,
           spatial_graph = graph,
           space_column = c("X","Y"),
           variable_column = "var",
           time_column = "time",
           distribution_column = "dist",
           sem = "" )

sf_plot = st_union( st_line_sample( activate(stream,"edges"), density=1/1000))
sf_plot = st_cast( sf_plot, "POINT" )
newdata = data.frame( Count = NA,
                   var = "species",  # Univariate model so only one value
                   time = "2020",    # no time-dynamics, so only one value
                   dist = "obs" )    # only one type of sampling in data
omega_plot = predict( out, newdata = newdata )

# Plot estimated GMRF at sampled locations
plot( stream, main="omegahat_i")
plot( st_sf(sf_plot,"omega"=omega_plot), add=TRUE, pch=19, cex=0.5, pal=viridis )
plot( st_sf(extrap,"omega"=omega_i), add=TRUE, pch=19, cex=2, pal=viridis )
plot of chunk stream-pred
plot of chunk stream-pred