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deviance_explained fits a null model, calculates the deviance relative to a saturated model for both the original and the null model, and uses these to calculate the proportion of deviance explained.

This implementation conditions upon the maximum likelihood estimate of fixed effects and the empirical Bayes ("plug-in") prediction of random effects. It can be described as "conditional deviance explained". A state-space model that estimates measurement error variance approaching zero (i.e., collapses to a process-error-only model) will have a conditional deviance explained that approaches 1.0


deviance_explained(x, null_formula, null_delta_formula = ~1)



output from \code{tinyVAST()}


formula for the null model. If missing, it uses null_formula = response ~ 1. For multivariate models, it might make sense to use null_formula = response ~ category


formula for the null model for the delta component. If missing, it uses null_formula = response ~ 1. For multivariate models, it might make sense to use null_delta_formula = response ~ category